Dr. No Review

Dr. No

1962 ‧ Thriller/Action

The story of James Bond, who encounters Doctor No, who is trying to damage the US space program while investigating the fate of his missing agent friend.

A classic that started the James Bond series. The novel, which was adapted and has the same name, is the sixth book by Ian Fleming about Bond’s adventure, but is still the first work to be brought to the cinema. Sean Connery, who was the first in the cinema and, according to some, to be the best Bond, made this role for the first time, making Ursula Andress the first Bond girl. What we are expecting to find in a Bond film, this is the first time that almost all of us have seen this film, not only with this feature, and not only for Bond lovers, but for all cinema lovers. A classic villain character; a Bond girl; a Bond that is intelligent, courageous, resourceful and lacking in sense of humor, follow scenes, explosions, Specter organization, excitement, thriller, etc. What you are expecting is all here and this is the first Bond film to be watched with the story, although its realism is controversial.

Ian Fleming, the creator of Bond, who died in 1964, He only saw two of the Bond movies: One is “Dr. No” and the other is the second film in the series. “From Russia with Love”. Fleming initially opposed Sean Connery’s playing Bond.As a full English, well-educated, The author, who was a fine-looking, upper-class character, was not correct to be portrayed by a Scottish, vulgar and tough-looking, and working-class figure, but he admitted that after seeing the film, he was in perfect harmony with Connery’s character.In this film directed by Terence Young, adapting the script from Fleming’s novel by Richard Maibaum, Johanna Harwood and Berkely Mather, the audience who saw Connery probably didn’t anticipate her reputation for this role and that her character’s life in the cinema would be so long. also have enjoyed quite a lot. (This is a period of 53 years with the 2015 Specter) The film, which was shot on a relatively low budget, did not gain much appreciation from critics at the time it was released, but is now considered one of the best films in the series.

Connery, who got her role thanks to the support of producer Albert Broccoli’s wife and persuasion of her husband, was undoubtedly the name that made her mark and she had to be compared with her after all who took on the role. Clearly, Connery, with her harsh-looking beauty, surely fulfilled what she expected from the role. In other words, he created a character that both women and men followed their eyes. It is said that director Terence Young, who took him under his wing to make his character so alive, played a big role and worked hard on Connery about how to play Bond. The result of this work is brilliant, and Connery’s contribution to this character must have played an important role in Bond’s ability to live in the cinema.

Ursula Andress, who was chosen to be the first Bond girl for only one photograph and won the Golden Globe-best new actress award for her role in the film – which she shared with Tippi Hedren and Elke Sommer.

Starting with the animation consisting of circles and squares in different and vibrant colors, the generic then becomes dancing silhouettes of men and women; it is perhaps quite simple for today, but it is also an attractive generic as a precursor to the next similar Bond generics. After the generic, we began to watch the story, a disappeared British agent and his secretary came to Jamaica to find out what happened during the investigation of Dr. Bond. He tells us about the effort of a mad scientist named Dr. No to keep Specter from deflecting the rockets he threw into space. In many scenes that prove why Bond is a “00”, we follow examples of his intelligence, skill, courage, prudence and attention to detail. Compared to today’s Bond films, it is necessary to say that the film uses minimal technology so that Bond’s fists speak more than his gun. This situation is another example of using that “that old hair strand” number to understand whether the room has been entered or not. It’s obvious that Connery is in the studio and in a car that doesn’t move, and it may even look funny for today’s audience, but it’s important to remember that it was filmed 55 years ago and today with a funny budget. Moreover, it can be said that this situation certainly looks hotter compared to all the magnificent effects of today.

Bond is doing his job well in this first adventure of the follow scene from Bond It contains many moments that are exciting to the majestic final stage – of course to the metrics of that day. In addition, director Young, Connery, and Andress make the most of the charms of the duo – undoubtedly to the extent of that day. It is possible to illustrate Young’s efforts in this respect to show the duo as naked as possible on the scene from a river full of mosquitoes (for some reason the man next to them does not need to be undressed!), The intimacy of the duo in a boat, or their mandatory stripping to remove radioactive material. The fantastic elements of the story are very few compared to the subsequent films of the series, which makes it look relatively machinistic, and the character of Bond and the character of Bond enhances this realism by showing plenty of fears, worries and emotions.

Dr. No. the role Joseph Wiseman’s well deserved film, although not as bright as the next “From Russia with Love” and Even though the story seems to lose its interest from time to time and is a bit too soft, this work deserves attention even as the first film that opens the series.

The Raid 2011 Review


The Raid

2011 ‧ Crime/Thriller ‧ 2 hours

Image result for the raid redemption"

There is always the question of starting to watch action films, is this a movie that is equipped with exaggerated action and unreal scenes like other ordinary action films? I wonder if this is an action film that will not touch my time, it will spoil my eye taste.

Gareth Evans, born in Wales, first made a test in the United Kingdom, but then found the mine in Indonesia and turned the route to the Far East. Iko Uwais, starring in The Raid, played in 2009’s Merantau and went on a warm-up tour. Then, this exquisite fighting / action film exploded with Serbuan maut. The Raid: Redemption is a great success for a filmmaker with his third film.

The film, shot in Indonesia, tells the story of a team that attacked a building with outlaws. There’s a villain at the head of the building, even the police are afraid of. Next to it are two “handles”. Our brother is confident, in a nice feast arrangement mode with future cops. The cops are already aware they’re going to die. They don’t even know why they attacked a building where such notorious criminals stayed.

As we know the story, what makes this film stand out? The quality of your shots. Realism of combat and conflict scenes. When you watch the movie, you encounter men who are seriously injured and killed. They made it so real, you wonder what kind of trick this guy can get out of that scene alive. The action certainly does not stop. Either somewhere explodes or someone dies or someone fights.

They went so far that they sent the players to Indonesia’s KOPASKA unit and trained them on the use of weapons, strategic attacks and defensive tactics. Watching such a path for a film is seriously commendable.

Actually, Gareth Evans had a different project in his head. They started a more extensive job on the prison gangs called Berandal, they even prepared a trailer, but the filming of money was stopped. He entered into the less budget The Raid: Redemption. When Evans made his quality come out and made a movie like this, they didn’t miss Sony and bought the copyrights for North America and started preparing for a remake for Hollywood. Not to mention Sony’s Screen Gems, Evans has begun work on the continuation of the film, and even said that he is considering making the series in a trilogy. So, a Hollywood remake and then an Indonesian sequel seems to be among the first to come.

There is a building on the outskirts of Jakarta, where criminal gangs not only keep dwellings but also turn them into a center. This building, where the gang leader is located on the top floor and where a criminal pattern spreading gradually towards the lower floors, nests, threatens the country. However, neither the other gangs who wanted to overthrow and replace this great criminal organization nor the police could enter the building. Because the criminals living in it have full control of the building and protect each other.

The film opens with the start of a SWAT team’s attempt to raid this crime house. Everyone knows how big and difficult you are on a mission. However, some of them have purposes outside their professions. After the cops have easily captured the first few floors, they are trapped on the 6th floor when the surprise of their raid’s breaks, and then a cats and mouse game starts between the cops in the building.

The serenity and fluency in combat scenes can cut your breath in some scenes. In particular, you will not get enough of the mind-boggling unarmed rights of the tiny dog-filled action Mad Dog character, the course of two-on-one fighting scenes. Pencak Silat, also seen as a national sport instead of character and similar martial arts, was exhibited in Indonesia. Yayan Ruhian, who plays Mad Dog, is considered to be one of the great masters of this sport.

That’s why we need to congratulate him on his extraordinary performance. You may even find yourself sometimes” stop fighting# man! “. I can’t help but mention that in almost all the sessions where the film was shown, the audience watched by applauding the audience, which lasted for about 6-7 minutes without interruption and held their breath after the final fight.

In addition, Iko Uwais, the leading actor of the film, has been involved in this sport since he was 10 years old and has won several tournaments. His performance in the film is no less than Yayan Ruhian. Especially when you have a serial stabbing scene.

Serbuan maut. It is a combat / action film that should never be missed. Hard Death, I can easily say that I enjoyed the 007 Bond series. You add Jackie Chan to them and the Raid comes out. With the quality of your shots, 100 minutes are waiting for you to be in that building. Increased blood levels, deaths, exaggerated but self-evident, non-stop action. I think it’s one of the best action movies of the year. 8.5 / 10


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